Exceptional products are initiated by overcoming challenges. Similarly for Zabin, the challenges included:
The Challenge
Greater Manageability
allowing user front-end capability of performing tasks of varying complexity such as setting up product schema, selecting the attributes they want to export and even use filters and search fields dynamically.
Wider Control
Users had more discretion on the rules to apply to transform the data,However, it’s always best to allow them a what-if scenario for seeing what they are about to do. This was done through a transformation rule form that helped them understand what would occur on performing the operations that are then executed directly on data present in the database.
Powerful Data Processing
data files in the backend need to be processed in various formats such as CSV, Excel, or Text delimited. Moreover, it was also crucial that the data provided in the file conformed to the schema that was set up by the user in the website.
High-level Search & Filter Controls
customers should have control on searching through a plethora of products and apply multiple dynamic filters on the data according to their needs.Order Restriction: Allowing the user to duplicate the data for the needs of restricting the customers from ordering products that they shouldn’t